21 datasets found

Categories: Demographics & Housing Type: Tabular

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  • Adopted 2050 v2.0 Population & Employment Forecasts

    As a part of DVRPC's long-range planning activities, the Commission is required to maintain forecasts with at least a 20-year horizon. DVRPC has updated forecasts through the...
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  • Land Consumption and Protected Open Space

    DVRPC has tracked regional land use changes and the preservation of land for decades. Since 1970, DVRPC has produced land use files derived from aerial photography in our...
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  • Housing Affordability

    A commonly accepted threshold for affordable housing costs at the household level is 30% of a household's income. Accordingly, a household is considered cost burdened if it...
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  • Educational Attainment

    As part of the American Community Survey (ACS), the U.S. Census Bureau collects information regarding respondents' educational attainment. Educational attainment refers to the...
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  • Labor Force

    Labor force participation rate is a measure of the active workforce. It is the total number of those employed or actively seeking employment divided by the all working age...
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  • Income

    The American Community Survey (ACS) reports household income by the average of each income quintile. A quintile is any fifth of households sorted from least to greatest income....
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  • Community Integration

    A statistical method called a dissimilarity index was used to quantify how segregated the region is among its census tracts, first by race and ethnicity, and then by income. The...
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  • Housing Permits

    Housing permit data is derived from reports and publications compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau's Residential Construction Statistics Division. Municipalities provide the U.S....
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  • Mortgage Lending

    Mortgage lending information comes from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. Loan originations are the...
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  • Adopted 2050 v1.0 Population & Employment Forecasts

    This dataset contains tabular data at county, municipal/planning district, and zonal levels for the Adopted 2050 v1.0 Population & Employment Forecasts. DVRPC uses 2050 v1.0...
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  • CTPP Data for DVRPC Region

    Census Transportation Planning Products data for DVRPC region as organized in DVRPC Data Navigator. Currently this data includes years 2010 and 2016 by employment and residence.
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  • Philadelphia Census Tracts (2020) to Planning Districts Lookup

    Lookup table matching 2020 census tract geographies to their Philadelphia Planning District for aggregations of tract-level data to each of the 18 Planning Districts. Note, the...
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  • Building Permits

    Building Permit counts by MCD annually, as available in DVRPC's Data Navigator.
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  • Census Tract to Municipality (MCD) Relationships

    Census Tracts are statistical areas that do not always "nest" inside municipalities. The resources in this dataset provide a Census Tract identifier and lists the municipalities...
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  • Regional Housing Submarkets

    As part of the Regional Housing Initiative (RHI), the team conducted a submarket analysis. This analysis identifies census tracts with similar housing characteristics (density,...
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  • Geography Crosswalks

    Tabular crosswalks for relating geographies in the DVRPC region.
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  • Decennial Census Data, 2020

    This dataset contains data from the P.L. 94-171 2020 Census Redistricting Program. The 2020 Census Redistricting Data Program provides states the opportunity to delineate voting...
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  • Demographic Multipliers and Summary Statistics for Residents of Multifamily H...

    Dataset of the demographic analysis conducted by Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) for DVRPC's study, "Development Matters: Understanding the Opportunities and Impacts of...
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  • Census Tract Changes

    Every ten years, with the Decennial Census, Census Tract boundaries are updated. Resources in this dataset log what tract changes have occurred since the previous decade's...
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  • Household Travel Survey

    Regionwide household travel survey conducted from 2012-13. Includes information on households, people, vehicles, and the trips they made.
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