Mortgage Lending

Mortgage lending information comes from the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data. Loan originations are the creation of a loan after bank approval. Loan origination rates are calculated from the number of loan applications that were either approved or denied—what is termed as decisioned applications. For all charts, the loan’s purpose can be selected via a dropdown list. Trends are summarized by all loan purposes and by Loans for home purchase, home improvement, or refinancing.

This dataset updates:  Annually

Field Value
Posting Frequency Annually

Source Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
Source URL
  • Demographics & Housing
  • Economy
  • Equity & Diversity
Type Tabular
Data Steward Contact Ian Schwarzenberg
Data Steward Contact Email Ian Schwarzenberg
Organization Type Federal Government
Dataset ID 1874a7ac-fb38-4c99-89c8-6cb291693345
License DVRPC Data License