2015 Zonal Data for TIM2 Travel Demand Model
Detailed zonal attributes for use in TIM2 travel demand model from UrbanSim run_id
545 results. The same run was used for the adopted population and employment forecast by municipality, Philadelphia planning district, and county. 2015 was the base year of the forecast and used to simulate out to 2019, until that became the base year of the forecast.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
TAZ | numeric | TAZ | Tranportation Analysis Zone Number |
POPULATION | numeric | Population | Total Population |
GRPQRTS | numeric | GrpQrts | Group Quarters Population (Institutional and Non-Institutional) |
K-12 | numeric | K-12 | Resident population enrolled in Nursery School Kindergarten or Grades 1-12 |
UNIV | numeric | Univ | Resident population enrolled in College or Graduate School |
AUTOS | numeric | Autos | Total Vehicles Available |
HOUSEHOLDS | numeric | Households | Total Households |
HH_0VEH | numeric | HH_0Veh | Households with 0 vehicles |
HH_1VEH | numeric | HH_1Veh | Households with 1 vehicle |
HH_2VEH | numeric | HH_2Veh | Households with 2 vehicles |
HH_3_PLUS_VEH | numeric | HH_3_Plus_Veh | Households with 3+ vehicles |
HH_0WORKER | numeric | HH_0Worker | Households with 0 workers |
HH_1WORKER | numeric | HH_1Worker | Households with 1 workers |
HH_2WORKER | numeric | HH_2Worker | Households with 2 workers |
HH_3_PLUS_WORKER | numeric | HH_3_Plus_Worker | Households with 3+ workers |
HHS_LO_INC | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc | Households with income between 0 and 50K |
HHS_HI_INC | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc | Households with income above 50K |
EMPRES | numeric | EmpRes | Employed Resident Workers |
HH_LO_INC_0WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_0Workers | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 0 workers |
HH_LO_INC_1WORKER | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_1Worker | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 1 worker |
HH_LO_INC_2WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_2Workers | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 2 workers |
HH_LO_INC_3_PLUS_WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_3_Plus_Workers | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 3 or more workers |
HHS_HI_INC_0WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_0Workers | Households with income above 50K and 0 workers |
HHS_HI_INC_1WORKER | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_1Worker | Households with income above 50K and 1 worker |
HHS_HI_INC_2WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_2Workers | Households with income above 50K and 2 workers |
HHS_HI_INC_3_PLUS_WORKERS | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_3_Plus_Workers | Households with income above 50K and 3 or more workers |
HH_LO_INC_1PERSON | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_1Person | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 1 person |
HH_LO_INC_2PERSON | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_2Person | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 2 persons |
HH_LO_INC_3PERSON | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_3Person | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 3 persons |
HH_LO_INC_4_PLUS_PERSON | numeric | HHs_Lo_Inc_4_Plus_Person | Households with income between 0 and 50K and 4 or more persons |
HHS_HI_INC_1PERSON | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_1Person | Households with income above 50K and 1 person |
HHS_HI_INC_2PERSON | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_2Person | Households with income above 50K and 2 persons |
HHS_HI_INC_3PERSON | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_3Person | Households with income above 50K and 3 persons |
HHS_HI_INC_4_PLUS_PERSON | numeric | HHs_Hi_Inc_4_Plus_Person | Households with income above 50K and 4 or more persons |
AG_MINING | numeric | Ag_Mining | Agriculture forestry fishing and hunting and mining (NAICS: 11 21) |
CONSTRUCTION | numeric | Construction | Construction (NAICS: 23) |
MANUFACTURING | numeric | Manufacturing | Manufacturing (NAICS: 31-33) |
WHOLESALE_TRADE | numeric | Wholesale_Trade | Wholesale trade (NAICS: 42) |
RETAIL_TRADE | numeric | Retail_Trade | Retail trade (NAICS: 45-45) |
TRANSPORT_WH_UTIL | numeric | Transport_Wh_Util | Transportation and warehousing and utilities (NAICS: 48-49 22) |
INFORMATION | numeric | Information | Information Services (NAICS: 51) |
FIRE | numeric | FIRE | Finance insurance real estate and rental and leasing (NAICS: 52-53) |
PROF_SERVICES | numeric | Prof_Services | Professional scientific management administrative and waste management services (NAICS: 54-56) |
EDS-MEDS | numeric | Eds-Meds | Educational health and social services (NAICS: 61-62) |
ARTS/REC/FOOD | numeric | Arts/Rec/Food | Arts entertainment recreation accommodation and food services (NAICS: 71-72) |
OTHER_SERVICES | numeric | Other_Services | Other services (except public administration) (NAICS: 81) |
PUBLIC_ADMIN | numeric | Public_Admin | Public administration (NAICS: 92) |
ARMED_FORCES | numeric | Armed_Forces | Armed forces (from Census Transportation Planning Products--CTPP) |
TOTAL_EMPLOYMENT | numeric | Total_Employment | Total Employment |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Metadata last updated | January 10, 2023 |
Format | CSV |
License | DVRPC Data License |
Publication Date | 2021-06-24 |