Commute Mode
Commute mode is tracked by the American Community Survey (ACS) by asking respondents to provide the means of transportation usually used to travel the longest distance to work...- CSV
Transit Ridership
DVRPC tracks transit ridership in the region through unlinked passenger trips, with data provided by each of the region's four transit operators—Southeastern Pennsylvania...- CSV
Bridge Conditions
Bridges are inspected every two years at minimum; bridges in poor condition are inspected more frequently. These inspections rate the conditions of various bridge elements. The...- CSV
Transit Conditions
The region's transit agencies report transit fleet conditions to the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) National Transit Database (NTD), by either rail vehicle or bus. Rail...- CSV
CTPP Data for DVRPC Region
Census Transportation Planning Products data for DVRPC region as organized in DVRPC Data Navigator. Currently this data includes years 2010 and 2016 by employment and residence.- CSV
Crash Summary and Fatal Counts
Crash Summary and Fatal Counts for the DVRPC 9-county region. This includes yearly crash summaries for 2008-2020 as well as 2008-2020 fatal counts and a 5-year summary for...- CSV
Household Travel Survey
Regionwide household travel survey conducted from 2012-13. Includes information on households, people, vehicles, and the trips they made.- CSV