40 datasets found

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  • Water Quality

    The federal Clean Water Act was established to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. Water quality standards have been...
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  • Adopted 2050 v2.0 Population & Employment Forecasts

    As a part of DVRPC's long-range planning activities, the Commission is required to maintain forecasts with at least a 20-year horizon. DVRPC has updated forecasts through the...
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  • DVRPC Data Sources

    This is a list of names of authors/creators/owners from which DVRPC obtains data. This is a helper dataset that is used to populate the "Source" field in DVRPC's Data Catalog.
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  • Pavement Conditions

    Both the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) track pavement conditions as required by federal regulations...
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  • Land Consumption and Protected Open Space

    DVRPC has tracked regional land use changes and the preservation of land for decades. Since 1970, DVRPC has produced land use files derived from aerial photography in our...
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  • Commute Mode

    Commute mode is tracked by the American Community Survey (ACS) by asking respondents to provide the means of transportation usually used to travel the longest distance to work...
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  • Congestion

    One measure used to analyze roadway reliability is the Planning Time Index (PTI). It is the ratio of the 95th percentile travel time relative to the free-flow (uncongested)...
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  • Gross Domestic Product

    GDP is an economy’s value of the goods and services minus the value of goods and services used to produce them. GDP is also known as “value added.” The U.S. Bureau of Economic...
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  • Housing Affordability

    A commonly accepted threshold for affordable housing costs at the household level is 30% of a household's income. Accordingly, a household is considered cost burdened if it...
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  • Educational Attainment

    As part of the American Community Survey (ACS), the U.S. Census Bureau collects information regarding respondents' educational attainment. Educational attainment refers to the...
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  • Labor Force

    Labor force participation rate is a measure of the active workforce. It is the total number of those employed or actively seeking employment divided by the all working age...
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  • Income

    The American Community Survey (ACS) reports household income by the average of each income quintile. A quintile is any fifth of households sorted from least to greatest income....
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  • Community Integration

    A statistical method called a dissimilarity index was used to quantify how segregated the region is among its census tracts, first by race and ethnicity, and then by income. The...
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  • Aircraft Operation Counts

    The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has conducted aircraft operations counts at the non-towered airports in the 12-county, four-state Delaware Valley...
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  • Transportation Safety

    People killed or seriously injured (KSI) is used as the metric for roadway safety rather than simply fatalities because fatalities alone tend to be random in nature and can...
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  • Transit Ridership

    DVRPC tracks transit ridership in the region through unlinked passenger trips, with data provided by each of the region's four transit operators—Southeastern Pennsylvania...
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  • Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

    Daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is a distance- and volume-based measure of driving on roadways for all motorized vehicle types—car, bus, motorcycle, and truck—on an average...
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  • Air Quality Violations

    This dataset contains trends in days violating air quality standards by date for the Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA).In order to convey the...
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  • Housing Permits

    Housing permit data is derived from reports and publications compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau's Residential Construction Statistics Division. Municipalities provide the U.S....
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  • Business Formations

    Business formations data from the U.S. Census Bureau Business Formations Statistics (BFS) program gives annual county-level counts of Employer Identification Number (EIN)...
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