Land Use Totals

Land use totals for the Greater Philadelphia region, in five-years increments from 1990 to 2015. Data is derived from the corresponding year's Land Use GIS dataset, created by DVRPC.

Please note that DVRPC has altered our data creation methodology over time, as technology, processes, and higher resolution orthoimagery have become available. As such, you'll find that land use categories in different tables do not always completely correlate to one another. For example, in 2015, DVRPC created more detailed land use classifications, making comparisons with previous datasets problematic. For more information, please visit our publication "Land Use in the Delaware Valley, 2015 Enhanced Land Use Data" (ADR 026).

This dataset updates:  As Needed

Field Value
Posting Frequency As Needed
Source Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Source URL
  • Environment
  • Planning
Data Steward Contact Kim Korejko
Data Steward Contact Email Kim Korejko
Organization Type
Dataset ID 3ff7e4e0-1839-4d69-9932-65de85a537b5
License DVRPC Data License