Population Estimates

The U.S. Census Bureau releases annual estimates of population by counties and municipalities as part of the Population Estimates Program (PEP). This is an estimate of population on July 1 of each year. Adjustments to previous estimate years are made with each release, dating back to the year of the last decennial census. Decennial figures for April 1 of the most recent decennial year will not get updated, but the July 1 estimate for that same year can adjust with each PEP release. The U.S. Census Bureau produces these estimates based on administrative records. At the municipal level, the PEP reports only population totals. At the county level, PEP data gives estimates for age, sex, race, and ethnicity. PEP releases come out in the spring following the latest estimate year. The demographic estimates of the PEP are used as control totals for the American Community Survey results released later that year.

This dataset updates:  Annually