Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
year numeric

Permit year

county_id numeric

County 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code identifier

county_name text

County name

building_type text

Building type: Single-family are single-unit structures, including attached, detached and semi-detached, and row houses, provided the units are separated by a ground-to-roof party wall. Small multifamily structures are those containing two to four units, including duplexes and triplexes. Large multifamily structures are those with five or more units. Garden apartments and high-rise buildings are included in this category, as well as condominiums and cooperatively owned apartment buildings.

annual_units_approved numeric

Annual units approved

cummulative_units_approved numeric

Cummulative units approved since base year

Additional Information

Field Value
Metadata last updated October 31, 2024
Format CSV
License DVRPC Data License
Publication Date 2024-10-31