Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
year numeric

Survey year

planning_area text

Planning area

perc_0_to_10 numeric

Percentage of households spending 0 to 9.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_10_to_15 numeric

Percentage of households spending 10 to 14.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_15_to_20 numeric

Percentage of households spending 15 to 19.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_20_to_25 numeric

Percentage of households spending 20 to 24.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_25_to_30 numeric

Percentage of households spending 25 to 29.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_30_to_35 numeric

Percentage of households spending 30 to 34.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_35_to_40 numeric

Percentage of households spending 35 to 39.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_40_to_50 numeric

Percentage of households spending 40 to 49.9% of household income spent on housing

perc_50_plus numeric

Percentage of households spending 50% or more of household income spent on housing

not_computed numeric

Percentage of household not reporting housing costs and/or income

Additional Information

Field Value
Metadata last updated January 22, 2025
Format CSV
License DVRPC Data License
Publication Date 2025-01-22