Educational Attainment
Attainment Levels by Municipality
Dataset description:
As part of the American Community Survey (ACS), the U.S. Census Bureau collects information regarding respondents' educational attainment. Educational attainment refers to the highest...
Source: Educational Attainment
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
year | numeric | Survey Year |
mcd_id | numeric | Municipality 5-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code identifier |
municipality | text | Municipality name |
less_than_high_school | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with less than high school |
some_high_school | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with some high school |
graduated_high_school | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over that graduated high school |
some_college | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with some college |
associates_degree | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with associates degree |
bachelors_degree | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with bachelors degree |
grad_prof_degree | numeric | Share of population 25 years or over with graduate degree |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Metadata last updated | January 22, 2025 |
Format | CSV |
License | DVRPC Data License |
Publication Date | 2025-01-22 |