Connections 2050 Planning Areas

Planning Areas are aggregations of municipalities (MCDs) used to generalize the region into four typologies: 1. Core City 2. Developed Communities 3. Growing Suburbs 4. Rural Areas

This dataset updates:  As Needed

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Posting Frequency As Needed

Created for the 2035 LRP, still in use for 2050 LRP. The process of assigning four planning area designations to each of the region’s 352 municipalities is as much an art as a science, based on a review of quantitative data, land use patterns, existing county land uses plans, the NJ SDRP, and DVRPC’s adopted 2030 Plan (the science) but also relying on planning knowledge and professional judgment (the art). Our intent is to make the DVRPC Plan always consistent with county plans and the SDRP policies, but, due to different terminologies and scales, our collective plan maps are not identical.

Source Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Source URL
  • Boundaries
  • Long-Range Plan
Data Steward Contact Brett Fusco
Data Steward Contact Email Brett Fusco
Organization Type
Dataset ID b4692ca8-982d-4c06-959c-9c113f6f5c4e
License DVRPC Data License