Aircraft Operation Counts

The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) has conducted aircraft operations counts at the non-towered airports in the 12-county, four-state Delaware Valley Regional Airport System Plan (RASP) area since 1986. Aircraft operations counts and annual estimates of activity are essential for planning and programming of airport improvements. While towered airports generally have access to this information through air traffic controllers, the general aviation and reliever airports that make up the majority of facilities in the region rely primarily on estimates for their traffic data.

DVRPC’s cyclical aircraft operations counting program focuses on the counting of non-towered National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airports and is made possible by funding through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The regional NPIAS airports are counted in a three-year program. The resulting aviation operations data created from these annual counting cycles provides facility-level details on based aircraft; estimated average daily, seasonal, and annual fixed-wing operations; and helicopter activity estimates.

This dataset updates:  Annually

Field Value
Posting Frequency Annually

For 2019 cycles and later Aircraft Operations Counting Program Methodology

Source Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC)
Source URL
Category Freight & Aviation
Data Steward Contact Ian Schwarzenberg
Data Steward Contact Email Ian Schwarzenberg
Organization Type
Dataset ID f3ba56e2-2016-4120-bedd-f0c8d4c8e30c
License No License Provided